Friday, November 13, 2009

Justice's broad subpoena

Is it just me, or does it bother you, too, that the Justice Department earlier this year subpoenaed an online news site's "logs of the Internet addresses of all the site's readers -- as well other available information including visitors' e-mail and home addresses, Social Security Numbers, and credit card numbers, for June 25, 2008."

And then the department issued a gag order telling the folks at not to talk about it.

Details at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

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At 11/13/09, 11:26 AM, Blogger dprosenthal said...

Yes, it bothers the hell out of me but the big question is - what did they do (or plan to do) with this information? What justification did they give the judge who granted the writ? Who the hell was the judge, anyway? Is there not one honest investigative reporter left in this country? How is this different from wire-tapping American citizens for no legal reason?
Yes, I have lots of questions - someone please help me find the answers.


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