Monday, January 30, 2006

Banished Words 2006

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm about a month behind on this. Just the same, the link to Lake Superior State's list of banished words for 2006.

Among this year's:
Talking points
97% fat free (Labeled "Adventures in delusion." "Still has 3% fat ... accept it," wrote Andrew Clucas of Canberra, Australia.)
Holiday tree
First-time caller (of talk radio fame)

And the one I think has the best comment:
FEMA: Dedicated to the memory of a great federal agency consigned to the ash heap of parody. "If they don't do anything, we don't need their acronym" -- Josh Hamilton, Tucson, Ariz.


At 1/31/06, 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with some of the bannes words, namely 'person of interest.'
It is a valid term and some judges have forbidden the use of the term 'suspect,' which automatically places individuals in a negative light.
In the internationally-tinged murder of a Massachusetts woman, the judge tells the media not to use the term 'suspect' for the woman's husband, who is 'hunkering down' in Great Britain.

At 1/31/06, 3:46 PM, Blogger Doug said...

Well, James Thurber is a "person of interest" to me. So is my barber when he's got a good conversation going.

It's a bureaucratic affectation. And note in the story you reference, the prosecutor freely uses the term "suspect."

Perhaps we need a term for something be between suspect and "gee, we'd like to know more," but I don't think "person of interest" is it. Unless, of course, I'm also tempted to write "fled at a high rate of speed."


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