Wednesday, February 06, 2008

David Sullivan blogs

David Sullivan, one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in this business and one of the forces behind the American Copy Editors Society, has taken up blogging at "That's the Press, Baby."

(Ignore the other guy listed as a "contributor." I'm just doing some behind-the-scenes work on the Blogger plumbing {grin}.)

David, who patrols the Philadelphia Inquirer newsroom, is sure to have lots good to say about this business. Here's a sample from one of his new posts:

If newspapers had been going great guns and all of a sudden broadband happened and we lost half our circulation, then the Internet would be the problem. We've been losing circulation in real or relative terms for decades. We've been propping up ad revenue with quick fixes since the late 1980s. All this time, people have been telling us what they don't like about newspapers, and we stolidly resist listening to them. (Take jumps. Take the ignominy still rained upon the newspaper business' one great success story of the last 30 years.) So "the Internet is the answer" isn't the only answer.

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