What, no square or rectangular people invited?
Ah, what a difference a comma can make.
We're not talking the comma of million dollar (Canadian) fame, but just the same, one that would have saved a little snickering here at CSJ central.
This one is from the New York Times (which seems in the past couple of days to be the mega-mart of editing errors -- see my previous two posts) and the post "A Bomb Squad for Wall Street" by William D. Cohan. Take a look:

The sentence in question is the lede: Gather round people, today we are going to discuss the highly opaque but hugely important topic of "O.T.C. derivatives" ...
Now, at a svelte 280 - OK, 300 . Well, OK 31 ... let's just not go there ... I probably qualify as a "round people" and can join the discussion. You scrawny 250-pounders, go away. Nothing to see here. (Although perhaps he is giving you a directive to pick up every rotund roustabout you see and bring them on over to the NYT site.)
Have you seen the problem by now? It's that "people" is a noun of address, and nouns of address are set off by commas to avoid just such ambiguity. So with the wayward comma thusly inserted:
Gather round, people, today we are going to discuss the highly opaque but hugely important topic of "O.T.C. derivatives" ...
It becomes clear, the snicker level goes down, and I don't have to worry about a bunch of 220-pounders hunting me down.
Labels: copy editing, grammar, punctuation
This was LOL funny, Doug. Tweeted it for you, too.
Thanks, Jack. Hope the semester is going well.
No apostrophe? I'd prefer "Gather 'round," at least in print.
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