Friday, July 15, 2011

AP Style - "HuffPost"

For those who like to keep track of esoterica on AP style, the shortened form of the Huffington Post shall henceforth officially be "HuffPost," according to the latest guidance issued today from the hermetically sealed room deep inside the AP pyramid on New York's middle West Side.

(It really is a unique room if you can ever get an invitation - the Elvis on velvet paintings are especially notable, and Darrell Christian in a shaman's outfit? Absolutely not to be missed.)

Gentle kidding asside, AP is following the masses here, 34 million hits for HuffPost on Google to 2 million for "HuffPo."

However, in keeping with the occasional tone we like here at CSJ Plaza, we will contine to use HuffPo. It seems to capture the essence better.



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