Monday, January 03, 2005

Pew report on blogging

Heard on the radio this morning that the Pew Internet and American Life Project says that something above 40 percent of those surveyed have checked out a blog about the Southeast Asian tsunamis. I can't find the report on the Pew Web site this morning, but Pew did release a report this weekend that says among other things:

  • 7 percent of U.S. Internet users say they have created blogs -- 8 million Americans. (It's gone up about 2 percentage points in each of the three surveys Pew has done since June 2002.)
  • But then again, 62 percent do not know what a blog is
  • 27 percent said they have read blogs, up from 17 percent in a February survey. That's 32 million Americans reading blogs. Much of the growth was the result of political blogs and the election.
  • Those who read blogs tend to be male, young and well-educated -- a little more mainstream, but not too much, from those who post (implications here for "we" media projects). But there also has been greater-than-average growth among women, minorities, those 30-49, and those of us with dial-up connections at home.
  • Previous Pew work shows that most people who post to blogs update them once a week or less often (I plead guilty to such stretches)
Links to a couple of stories on the release: AP and Steve Rubel.

And here's an interesting story on the International Herald Tribune (from the NY Times) about blogging and the tsunami: "Tsunami brings out Blogs' best and worst." Jeff Jarvis at Buzzmachine does a pretty good job of taking that story apart.


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