Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The blog you have reached is temporarily out of service

I momentarily get a chill down my spine when this happens. Last night, if you tried to get to cyberjournalist.net, you got a message from Jonathan Dube's ISP that the site wasn't available and please call the billing department.
Then I go to click to Tim Porter's First Draft today and "the requested URL was not found on this server."

It scares me for a minute when I see those things on two of the best media blogs around.

Cyberjournalist is back up today. (ISP problems, Dube explained in an e-mail.) And at timporter.com it says ValueWeb is going to be the new home, so I guess Tim's just changing sites.

I just hate these rifts in the time-space-blog continuum.

We now resume our normal programming ...


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