Monday, April 12, 2010

ASNE10 - Back to the future

I've been peeking in on the unofficial ASNE10 event blog, and I just can't help feeling, well, feeling like it's sooooooo back to the future.

Here's an example post: Editors Stress Convergence at ASNE10
  • One panelist urged editors to consider: "What can we do to reinvent how we package?"
  • With circulation and readership on a general decline, editors must take into account how they will get and hold their readers' attention, which includes taking marketing into mind.
  • On the future of journalism, [Jane] Hirt [ME/news and features, Chi Trib] said that what we today consider newspapers will change into news organizations, dispersing information for multiple platforms.
  • The panel was generally optimistic about the future of the industry as long as editors make the effort to adapt to the needs and wants of their readers.
Now there are some revolutionary thoughts -- in 2005.

(The other interesting thing - try to post a comment. I couldn't get it to work. If the comments are turned off, it's sort of emblematic, isn't it? I was going to share the link to my Amy Webb post on their Amy Webb post, but not to be. So you'll just have to get the one-say here.

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At 4/16/10, 2:29 AM, Anonymous 唸阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界 said...

阿彌陀佛 無相佈施


之為腥。所謂「葷腥」即這兩類的合稱。 葷菜
(重定向自五辛) 佛家五葷



興渠另說為洋蔥。) 肉 蛋 奶?!

念楞嚴經 *∞窮盡相關 消去無關 證據 時效 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界

不婚 不生子女 生生世世不當老師

log 二0.3010 三0.47710.48 五0.6990 七0.8451 .85
root 二1.414 1.41 三1.732 1.73五 2.236 2.24七 2.646
=>十3.16 π∈Q' 一點八1.34


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