Monday, January 03, 2005

Newsroom 101

Another good pointer from Deborah Gump.
Feel like brushing up on your grammar, usage and style?

She, and I, recommend Newsroom101, a quiz site by Ron Hartung of the Tallahasseee Democrat and Gerald Grow, journalism professor at Florida A&M.

There are 66 short quizzes. Good stuff!

Another good site is Bedford-St. Martins' Exercise Central for AP Style. It's now been linked to the book "Working with Words." Don't be deterred by the logon. You don't need a special code to get in as you do with some other publishers' sites.

Of course, there are always the old favorites: The quizzes section of the American Copy Editors Society and No Train-No Gain, the site for newsroom training editors.

And one of my favorite sites for a quick brush-up on grammar is the Grammar Slammer.

All in all, a bushelful of help for starting the new year off on the right grammatical foot.


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