Monday, June 04, 2007

Blogging Spoleto

The blogs have come out for the Spoleto arts festival in Charleston, at least five of them -- the New York Times, the Post and Courier, The (Columbia) State, Charleston City Paper and Charleston Magazine. The easiest way to get to all five is through the Spoleto Festival's home page, where they are prominently featured.

The P&C's Dan Conover is one of those from the paper on NPR's daily Spoleto show today. It's worth listening to because they are discussing blogging and the recent changes in media and the effect on the arts. And Dan, who runs (at least as far as I know) two blogs, has some great insights as he usually does about blogging and establishing community and who the target audience is for these things. (Speaking about establishing community and learning how, as I listen there's also conversation about how a daily podcast by Spoleto about happenings there may turn into a weekly podcast about the arts scene in general.)

Blogging is a conversation. Of the blogs, the Times, the P&C and the City Paper allow comments; The State and Charleston Magazine don't.

Which would you file under "get it"?
After his appearance on the radio today, Conover filed a really nice post discussing why his paper's effort, which takes a lot of the discussion out of the "review" and "critics" mode and into some broader areas seems to be working. Some nice thoughts on arts in general.

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At 6/4/07, 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, Doug. This is our third year blogging the festival, but our first with a daily podcast (Patrick Sharbaugh of The Charleston City Paper got there first in 2006 with his Spoleto Buzzcasts). The nice thing is I'm just a contributor on this year's blog and the podcast, which means I get to collaborate with other people who "get it": Geoff Marshall, the multimedia guy from, jazz man Jack McCray, columnist Harriet McLeod, and -- of course -- my wife, Janet Edens.

The cool thing this year is that, with more people in the conversation and more bloggers from more media outlets, everybody is developing specialties and identities. You can really hear the distinct voices and perspectives, which was always the promise of this decentralized, spontaneous medium.

And, for those of you keeping track at home, in addition to Spoleto Today, my media blog and my personal/group blog, I also do the Fun & Games blog (, the Friday 5 blog ( and play admin to Lowcountry Blogs (, which is now in its second year and has a paid stringer to cover the local blogosphere.


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