Friday, August 03, 2007

Quick hits: Online video research & FOI

Since I'm on the road and relegated to dial-up for a few days, just a couple of quick hits:
  • Online video is the hot thing right now, and Howard Owens has compiled an impressive list of research by topic -- audience size/growth, broadband penetration, audience interests and revenue/advertising. If you can't find it here, well ... or to quote Angela Grant from the comments, "a freakin’ awesome post."
  • On the scary side is this blog post from SPJ about a set of proposals to come before the American Bar Association under the heading of helping criminals become functioning members of society again. I have not heard about this one until now, although apparently the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has been sounding warnings on it (a PDF article from the RCFP magazine is also available). But the proposals as described by RCFP would close many police blotter items to the public and the press. Specifically, records of closed criminal cases where there were no convictions would be closed (except to law enforcement), and all criminal cases would be sealed after a certain amount of time. This is one we all had better pay close attentin to or it will come to bite us.

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